epayslips power of communication

The power of communication often gets overlooked by employers. After all, it is such a simple idea with many tools available, each designed with a different purpose in mind.

But, something so simple can deliver a huge impact. At ePayslips, we realise the power of communication; our system allows users to harness this power by using our small but mighty COMMUNICATE suite.

ePayslips Messaging

Created by our in-house Development Team, our two-way Messaging module is designed to be a small feature with a high impact.

Unlike some comparative brands, our messaging module has been designed with the end-user experience leading the way. The design is accessible, making it easy to navigate, both for employees and the Payroll or Finance Team.

Messages can be sent directly from an employee to the Payroll/HR or Finance Team, or vice versa. Users also can send broadcast announcements to employees with snapshot messages meaning that employees do not have to wait for their next payslip to see a message.

ePayslips Documents

There are two options when delivering documents via the COMMUNICATE feature. Users can send documents securely to an individual or to all employees.

The personal level document delivery is ideal for communications relating to one specific employee, such as salary review notifications. Our company level option is ideal for sending company-wide publications such as staff handbooks and company policies.

Our system includes standard reporting features which allow the admin team to see a detailed audit log for each document. This log includes the number of times a document has been opened and when it was last accessed by the employee.


There are many benefits to using our COMMUNICATE feature to streamline your communication channels.

  • Increased employee engagement. – We have a wealth of experience working alongside organisations in all different sectors. Our ePayslips messaging module provides security and privacy.
  • Security. – Sending personal documents via email is inherently insecure. Our solution requires users at both ends of the communication channel to authenticate themselves when logging into the system. This gives you peace of mind that you are talking to genuine employees and protected from phishing and spoofing attacks.
  • Efficiency. – Improve efficiency by condensing the channels of communication between your Payroll/HR teams and employees. In doing so, there is a reduced chance that messages and tasks will be forgotten.

We appreciate that each client is different and that each will use a magnitude of methods to communicate with employees, whether by using a telephone, email or instant messenger. Our COMMUNICATE feature thus reduces the number of channels the team has to check for actions and queries.

Written by Liam Ridgill
Published on March 29, 2021