Paper vs ePayslips: costs & other savings 

In 2021, the list of benefits of ePayslips over the previously conventional paper payslip model is seemingly endless and ever-expanding! ePayslips reach you faster and provide instant, 24/7 access to not only your payslip but other documents such as P60’s and P11D’s.

Online access to these documents helps reduce the headache of employee queries, not to mention the huge environmental benefit and arguably the most important factor for some: reduced costs!


On the top level, one of the largest differences in the price you will see is from a logistical perspective. Postage prices have again increased in 2021 up to 66p per letter, and 85p first class. Fortunately, there are very few logistics required to get your ePayslip from processing to a little push notification on your smartphone.


Currently, the environment is a hot topic. ePayslips are significantly more suitable for the environment than their paper counterparts. As we become more aware of the impact we as individuals and businesses have on the planet, switching from paper payslips to ePayslips becomes an obvious decision.

Paper payslips amounted to a colossal 83% of Dataplan Group’s carbon footprint in 2020. By transferring your employees over to ePayslips, you will demonstrate that you too are conscious that businesses must act more responsibly. Switching to ePayslips will help cut non-essential paper and ink production and reduce machinery operation costs. Win-win!


When transferring to ePayslips operating and maintenance costs become reduced. Significant costs are associated with both the operations and maintenance of machinery when producing paper payslips. In turn, these costs are reflected when analysing the price of producing a single payslip.


With ePayslips you don’t have to pay incremental fees for processing, printing, packaging, posting, and, ultimately delivering your payslip. We pride ourselves on our flexible pricing model. Our approach means that you only pay for the processing and creation of your ePayslip that is then uploaded directly to your secure portal for employees.

When you take into account that we charge approximately 20p per ePayslip, and you receive the wealth of benefits described above and more – it’s clear that ePayslips are the future of payroll.

Written by Liam Ridgill
Published on March 26, 2021